Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity
Every year our garden club landscapes a home for Habitat for Humanity during their "Women's Build" project. Habitat for Humanity dedicates a home for Mother's Day to a single mother.
The Garden Club of Cape Coral supports Habitat for Humanity projects by providing a Florida Friendly landscaping plan, as well as donating and installing the plants which best thrive in SWFL. Click here to view a YouTube video of the most recent project or search YouTube for "Habitat For Humanity Garden Club of Cape Coral".
As well as landscaping one of the Habitat homes, whenever any new Habitat home is dedicated in Cape Coral, a committee of garden club members attend the dedication ceremony and welcome the family to Cape Coral. We bring a housewarming plant and participate in the dedication. Each year, there have been 5 to 12 families moving into homes. Members are welcome to volunteer to attend these celebrations. Contact Sherie Bleiler for more information.
Habitat gives a "hand up", not a "hand out". Potential owners need to have a steady source of income, good credit score and pay the down payment and closing costs. Owners also accept a mortgage, according to their income. Habitat carries the mortgage over that amount. Owners need to take classes on home maintenance and give 300+ hours of "sweat equity" working to build their home or other Habitat homes.
If you would like to make a donation to help cover the cost of the landscape materials such as larger trees and bushes, please give a check to our Treasurer, endorsed ‘Habitat’, made payable to Garden Club of Cape Coral.
Habitat Landscape Project 2022
The walls are up but the trusses have been delayed. Thus, Habitat estimates that we may be working after Mother’s Day, perhaps the week of May 16th. We will start at 8:00 and work until 11 or 12:00, stopping before we get overheated.
Our new chairperson, Lenore Hutchinson, and Sherie Bleiler are working together this year. They are looking for two kinds of volunteers.
1. People to repot and “babysit” filler plants until time to plant. We are looking for some mostly native filler plants from members such as: blanket flower (gaillardia) and beach sunflower (Helianthus debilis)
2. People to weed, plant, mulch and water at the house on planting days.If you are interested in participating in landscaping, we will have a sign-up sheet at our next meeting. Please contact Sherie Bleiler with any questions or suggestions.
Habitat Landscape Project 2021
Regardless of the pandemic, Habitat for Humanity in Lee County is steadily building homes for low-income people who qualify. For 10 years, our garden club has been landscaping one Habitat home in May, in time for Mother’s Day, dedicated to a single mom. Debbie Haggett and Sherie Bleiler applied to the Lee County Electric Cooperative (LCEC) and received their sponsorship for this year's Habitat landscape project.
Our landscape plan this year is a collaborative effort with Master Gardeners Vanessa Hazelton and Ana Bonstedt, who have been invited to help design this home's yard as a demonstration yard for Florida Friendly landscape principles. They will use before and after pictures of this home in the Florida Friendly gardening classes. More photos below.