Florida Friendly Landscaping Principle #7 – Recycle Yard Waste — Janetta Fox

Florida Friendly Landscaping Principle #7 – Recycle Yard Waste

Mar 11, 2021
By JANETTA FOX - Garden Club of Cape Coral (Special to The BreezeCape Coral Breeze
Click Here for full article in the Cape Coral Breeze
We are all familiar with household and kitchen recycling, with trash going in one bin and recyclables in another for pickup, but what can we do with yard waste, short of gathering it up and tossing into landfills? The 7th principle of Florida Friendly Landscaping answers that question.

Although we don’t normally think of it as being the case, there is oftentimes an abundance of “free” mulch and fertilizer available right in our yards. Leaves from deciduous trees, needles from pine trees, twigs, shredded bark, plant trimmings and grass clippings are all there for the taking.

Consider creating self-mulching areas by leaving healthy leaves where they land at the base of deciduous trees or needles at the base of pine trees. To mix things up a bit, rake leaves onto the lawn and then mow over them a few times at the same time you mow your lawn. By leaving the shredded leaves on the lawn to decompose along with grass clippings, you will be doing a service to both the microbes that help to break them down and to your turf by providing beneficial nutrients which the vegetation then uses during food creation.

An alternative would be to rake chopped leaves and grass clippings and place around landscape plants. Important to remember is that when adding the “mulch” around the plants, do so sparingly. If you add too much, the result will be a less than favorable smelly mess over a short amount of time because the material will be unable to break down at a sufficient enough rate.

If healthy and not a result of disease, consider leaving dead plant material in place rather than feeling compelled to gather up and discard the debris for a neater appearance. Your plants will thank you for the nutrition boost. If you find larger branches among other debris, all you need do is break them down into smaller pieces and place them back in the landscape.

Adding compost to the soil helps to improve root development, soil structure and fertility. Rather than spending money on bags at a big box store, you can go the DIY route. In combination with items such as food scraps, newspaper, coffee grounds, dryer lint and many other carbon-rich “brown” and nitrogen-rich “green” items, yard waste can be transformed into rich, healthy compost with a little patience. You can pile materials in a heap or use an enclosed bin, which will be much less attractive to pests.

There are a variety of online sites that provide a step-by-step approach to composting and so I will leave the details up to those sources, while sharing just a few do’s and don’ts here. Before tossing an item in the trash, always consider its potential use as a compost source. Avoid placing cooked items, meat, fish and oils in the compost pile. Keep the pile moist but not drenched, and turn the pile over occasionally, mixing it up, to keep the temperature just right for decomposition purposes. And finally, although adding the waste of plant-eating animals to the compost bin is fine, avoid adding the waste of carnivores, such as dogs and cats.

So, as you can see, making use of what nature provides in our landscapes is not only great for the environment but a money saver as well. A double benefit to be sure!

Janetta Fox is a member of the Garden Club of Cape Coral and a Lee County Master Gardener volunteer.


Re-use your yard waste to save money and enrich your soil. (n.d.). Retrieved December 30, 2020

Compost tips for the home gardener. (n.d.). University of Florida IFAS Extension EDIS. Retrieved December 30, 2020

Hendry, A. (2018, August 9). Free mulch! how to make it and where to get more. GrowVeg.

Florida Friendly Landscaping Principle #6: Manage pests responsibly

Florida Friendly Landscaping Principle #6: Manage pests responsibly

Feb 18, 2021
By JANETTA FOX - Garden Club of Cape Coral (Special to The BreezeCape Coral Breeze
Click Here for full article in the Cape Coral Breeze
“Insects all business all the time.”

— David Foster Wallace
Recognizing that there are thousands of insect species, it would be impractical for homeowners to strive for an insect-free landscape, nor should we want to since the great majority of the insects that visit our yards are beneficial. However, we can maintain some semblance of control over that 1% of “bad bugs” which feast on our landscape plants and try our patience. Scientists recommend an approach called Inte-grated Pest Manage-ment, the goal of which is to provide for a safe and low risk approach to pest problems. With this goal in mind, IPM focuses on smart planning, proper maintenance and natural or low toxicity controls.

There are a variety of strategies associated with IPM, moving up the chain from prevention to suppression. Always begin with cultural measures as the first line of defense. This involves the proper selection of landscape vegetation, with a focus on Florida-friendly, pest resistant plant species (think right plant, right place). Oftentimes, beneficial insects are predators of other insect pests so consider creating an environment that serves as an invitation to good bugs such as lady beetles, green lacewings, green lynx spiders and native bees to your yard.

Keeping landscapes healthy reduces susceptibility to disease and pests, thereby reducing the need to take curative measures that could have otherwise been unnecessary had proper care been taken. In the aftermath of plant selection, apply tried-and-true maintenance strategies focusing on proper mowing, fertilizing, pruning and irrigation. Avoid cutting lawns too close. Longer blades means a healthier root system and more drought tolerance. Keep in mind that, with the exception of palms, most established shrubs and trees seldom require supplemental fertilization and, so, apply only as needed and according to label directions. Always clean and sanitize garden tools and avoid over-pruning of trees and shrubs, which can easily cause stress and lead to decline. Water only as needed with the recognition that over-watering stresses your turf and landscape plants and makes them more vulnerable to pests and diseases.

Vigilance is key to catching issues before they get out of hand. Therefore, take a stroll around your property regularly and look for signs of problems, keeping in mind that plant damage which initially appears to be the work of an unwanted insect could actually be the result of something quite different. If you have any doubt, take pictures and share with your local University of Florida Extension Office, where Master Gardener volunteers are available to respond to your questions or concerns. Once a determination is made that a “pest” is the culprit, start with the least toxic method to resolve the issue. Examples include: a spray of water to dislodge unwanted pests, the use of sticky traps and pruning affected parts of vegetation and disposing in the trash. Always remember that, when dealing with damage caused by pests or disease, never let pruned branches lay in the landscape.

Chemical treatments should only be used as a last resort and, then, begin with low impact products such as baits, horticultural oils and insecticidal soaps. Remember that wide-spectrum chemicals are indiscriminate and will kill the good bugs along with the bad. If absolutely necessary use these products only as spot treatments and always follow label directions.

To view more details regarding “Manage Pests Responsibly” and the other Principles of Florida Friendly Landscaping, click here... “The Florida Yards & Neighborhoods Handbook” is a great resource document for all things Florida Friendly.

Happy gardening!

Janetta Fox is a member of the Garden Club of Cape Coral and Lee County Master Gardener volunteer.

Florida friendly landscaping principle #5: attract wildlife — By JANETTA FOX

Florida friendly landscaping principle #5: attract wildlife

January 7, 2021
By JANETTA FOX - Garden Club of Cape Coral (Special to The BreezeCape Coral Breeze
Click Here for full article in the Cape Coral Breeze
As Florida’s population continues to grow, open/green space continues to be supplanted by increased residential and commercial development and their associated infrastructures. One of the negative impacts of this rapid development has been and continues to be the destruction of the natural habitat for our native birds and animals. Considering that Florida is the third most diverse state when it comes to wildlife and is a major stop for migratory birds, Florida friendly yards not only create a wildlife sanctuary but serve as a natural corridor for safe migratory passage.

Like people, wildlife need food, water, shelter and space. To satisfy these requirements, homeowners can begin by creating a backyard habitat plan (always good to plan first!), and then planting a variety of vegetation of varying sizes and heights. Diverse areas that provide reliable sources of nectar and food such as seeds, nuts and berries attract a wider variety of animals. And by layering vegetation, including ground cover, your yard becomes a refuge, providing shade and rest. Adding a small pond or birdbath as a water source will ensure all bases are covered and all basic needs are met.

It is important to note that, if left unattended, birdbaths will quickly accumulate algae and become a breeding ground for mosquitoes. As a control measure, change out the water frequently. When cleaning, scour and wash birdbaths without the use of harsh bleach or soap. For additional control of algae, consider adding a drop or two of algaecide into the birdbath periodically. Prior to the purchase of any algaecide, though, read the label to confirm that the product in question is safe for wildlife. You can also add Bti (aka Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis), which is a biological control for the larvae stages of mosquitoes. The great thing about Bti is that it is safe for humans and other animals. And adding an agitator to keep water moving can only help!

Snags are trunks of dead trees. If leaving them in place doesn’t pose a danger consider doing so, because they provide a place for birds to perch nest, and feed. And because the idea is to attract beneficial insects as well as land animals and birds, avoid the use of wide-spectrum pesticides as they do not discriminate and will enter the food chain. Along with problem pests such as aphids, mealybugs, whiteflies and the like, they will kill beneficial insects such as lady beetles (or lady bugs as I like to say) and bees and can be toxic to birds and other wildlife.

When selecting plants consider Florida native plants as these provide reliable sources of food and nectar for native wildlife. Disease resistant, non-native Florida friendly plants can also be an option. Consider providing nourishment for all stages of life. For example butterflies need specific plants during their life cycle i.e., nectar plants as adults and larval or host plants while caterpillars. And, depending on where you live, you may want to consider seasonal plants for year-round feeding.

So, there you have it, a brief introduction to the fifth principle of Florida friendly landscaping. For further information, visit Attract Wildlife

Happy gardening!

Janetta Fox is a member of the Garden Club of Cape Coral and a Lee County Master Gardener Volunteer.